Your Epicor Mobile ERP App for Manufacturing

Bezlio allows you to access your Epicor CRM & ERP data in real-time, right from your live database, on any mobile device! We provide a robust app for delivering ERP data to your mobile teams: field service, installation, engineering, and sales, as well as your shop floor operations.

Our app provides real-time, read/write access to your Epicor ERP. Take advantage of mobile push notifications and offline mode with local device caching. Teams can use any company-owned handheld or their own mobile device to log information in only a matter of seconds. Contact us today to get started.

Picture of an iPhone with a Bezlio CRM screen that displays data from an Epicor ERP/CRM database in real-time. Users can interact with the data and get push notifications.
Badge for Bezlio Built For Epicor ERP. This badge represent's Bezlio's native integration with the Epicor ERP, versions 9.05 and 10. Bezlio provides Epicor mobile apps, Epicor dashboards, and Epicor analytics solutions.


Easily track production, time and materials


Pre-built solutions for quick implementation

Designed to seamlessly integrate with your Epicor ERP, we’ve created individual solutions we call “bezls” which can be implemented as a stand-alone application or combined for increased mobility.

We have various bezls available based for download with your subscription. Choose from:

  • Mobile CRM

  • Production Labor Entry

  • Part Tracker

  • Purchase Order Receipt

…and many more! Browse our various bezls available for download with your subscription.

Explore the Bezl Store


We make getting started simple


Choose. Implement. Repeat.

Our mission was to create a turnkey Epicor ERP mobile solution for manufacturing companies looking to arm their shop floor and remote agents with real-time data, in as little time as possible.

The user-first interface of our platform allows for quick training and high adoption rates throughout your production departments. In as little as two hours, your teams can be up and running using valuable mobile ERP data.

Sound too good to be true? Read through our Immediate Implementation Guide to find out how quick and simple it is to get started.

Download the Guide


Why Bezlio?

Illustration of four different mobile and desktop devices, which can all run Bezlio and display real-time Epicor ERP data.

Epicor Data On Any Desktop or Mobile Device

Illustration of a tablet surrounded by icons that represent multiple data sources. All of these data sources can be connected in real-time, including Epicor ERP, to your mobile device using Bezlio.

Mash-Up Any Other Data Sources with Epicor ERP Data

Illustration of legacy code and reporting platforms that are compatible with Bezlio.

Supports Legacy Reporting Technologies

Illustration of a hand holding a stopwatch, representing Bezlio's ability to read Epicor ERP data in real-time.

Real-Time Access to Epicor Data on Any Device

Illustration of Epicor and Bezlio logo, representing Bezlio's ability to read and write data to Epicor from any mobile device.

Dashboards and Apps With Bi-Directional Data

Illustration of a Bezlio panel with various sized Bezls, which help to represent Bezlio's ability to display visualizations of Epicor data in infinite ways.

Unlimited Visualizations, Designs, and Layouts


Q & A:  Epicor + Bezlio

+ Is Bezlio a two-way integration or is it simply a way to view the information inside of Epicor ERP?

Bezlio is a two-way integration that can both read and write information to Epicor ERP.

+ Does Bezlio read and write directly to the Epicor SQL database?

It can read and write directly to both Epicor ERP and SQL. Bezlio can interact with Epicor using the official Epicor Business Objects, or it can communicate directly with SQL. However, we recommend not writing to Epicor tables using SQL, and instead, we recommend using the Epicor business objects.

+ Can Bezlio work with a cloud (multi-tenant) ERP setup? Or does it work only on-premise?

Yes! Bezlio can communicate to a multi-tenant ERP set-up.

+ Does Bezlio update only the information that has changed since last modified? Or does it rewrite full tables from Epicor?

Since Bezlio does not store your data in the cloud, all of the data you are accessing is directly from your Epicor database. On the front-end, the user can set refresh intervals from Epicor down to be as frequent as once per second. When writing back to Epicor, Bezlio uses the business objects to safely perform database transactions.



The Blog: Bezlio + Epicor ERP

Learn more about how your company can benefit from a mobile ERP solution. Read our blog to hear from the mobile ERP experts.