Mobile Epicor Dashboard KPI - Orders By Product Group

Illustration introducing the Bezlio app that provides Epicor ERP users with a mobile Epicor dashboard KPI for orders by product group on a mobile device like an iPhone, iPad or Android device.

Charts and graphs tend to be the sexiest looking Bezls that we make.  We understand that looks aren’t everything, so we also decided to make them useful by providing an easy way to consume data at a glance!  Today we are introducing a new Bezl available for Epicor ERP and other data sources that allow you to view total sales by product group over time.

This new recipe provides you with a Bezl that pulls sales history from an Epicor ERP and displays it in a line chart having a region for each product group presented for the calendar months. The previous year's data is also gathered and shown as a comparison metric to the current year.

Screenshot of Bezlio recipe for an Epicor mobile dashboard KPI of sales by product group over time for the Epicor ERP versions 9.0.5 and 10. These KPIs can be viewed on any mobile device, from anywhere.

Download the Resources

All of the code for the Bezls and the required SQL queries are available from our Github repository.  Click one of the links below to go straight to the downloads for your specific application or go to the customizable bezl that you can customize for your particular data source.

How to Install

We will start by assuming you already have installed and configured Bezlio Remote Data Broker (BRDB) inside of your network along with the SQL server plugin. One last confirmation before you’re a bezl making machine; make sure you have established trusted connection with your users!  If so, follow these steps to install this recipe:

  1. Download the .SQL file in the Queries subfolder and place it somewhere your BRDB server can reach it. The rest of the steps assume this location is C:\BezlioQueries\OrdersTakenDemo.

  2. Configure the SQL Server plugin for BRDB by editing the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Bezlio Remote Data Broker\Plugins\SQLServer.dll.config. The following example can be used verbatim if you have no prior configuration data in here (in which case you will need to merge in your changes). This example also assumes you have used all of the suggested folder paths mentioned in this documentation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" >
            <section name="bezlio.plugins.Properties.Settings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
            <setting name="sqlFileLocations" serializeAs="String">
                    'locationName': 'OrdersTakenDemo',
                    'locationPath': 'C:\\BezlioQueries\\OrdersTakenDemo\\'
            <setting name="connections" serializeAs="String">
                  'connectionName': 'Epicor10',
                  'serverAddress': 'YOUR_SQL_SERVER',
                  'databaseName': 'YOUR_DATABASE',
                  'userName': 'YOUR_SQL_USER_NAME',
                  'password': 'YOUR_SQL_PASSWORD'

That is all there is to it!  Give it a try then come back and let us know how it works for you in the comments!

App Technical Summary

  • Compatible Data Sources

    • Epicor ERP 9.05

    • Epicor ERP 10

    • Epicor ERP 10.1

  • Other Compatible Data Sources

    • Microsoft Excel

    • Infor VISUAL ERP

  • Compatible User Interfaces

    • Desktop or laptop (Windows, Linux or Mac) with web browser

    • iPad or comparable Android tablet with web browser

    • iPhone or comparable Android smart phone with web browser