Bezlio Use Cases

How Are customers using bezlio to mobilize their teams?

Illustration of a web browser and cursor, which represents Bezlio's ability to create a mobile app for any ERP or CRM.

A Mobile App for Any On-Premise ERP/CRM


Mobile Application Development Platform

Illustration of a desktop monitor and two mobile devices with a pie chart on them, representing Bezlio's ability to display dashboards and analytics for any mobile device.

Mobile ERP Dashboards & Reports

Illustration of a TV screen with a bar and line graph on it, representing Bezlio's ability to display team TV dashboards for offices.

Field Sales & Field Service Workers


Field Service App


Customer & Supply Chain Portals

Illustration of a mobile phone with a document and chart on it, representing Bezlio's ability to display Crystal Reports on any mobile device.

Access Crystal Reports on Any Mobile Device


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